Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Debates -- Round Two

I have a board meeting to be at, so I will miss the beginning of the debate, but I gotta say, tonight could be huge. Historically, undecideds break between 3-1 and 3-2 for the challenger. So I don't think a VP debate is going to change that all that much either way. This will be a close race, regardless. But the HUGE danger for Republicans is that if Cheney comes off as creepy, and Edwards looks good, you might see borderline Republicans or other casual Bush supporters change their minds.

Cheney is the scary, twisted face of the Cold War; Edwards is the handsome face of the future for Democrats. And the strategy of having Edwards hit small towns, below the national radar screen, is perfect -- tonight can be an ambush of smiles and tough trial lawyer talk. Again, having gone to Iowa for the primaries and having watched the debates on TV, I can tell you: Kerry and Edwards sealed the deal during the debates.

Four more weeks!


MK said...

Oh yeah, well go F*** yourself, Indigo.

MK said...

Oh, Indigo, you don't remember this exchange from the summer?