Monday, March 21, 2005

I+H: Last update from Iraq

Phil wrote this about three weeks ago. Keep him in mind these next couple of weeks:

The final month of my stay in Iraq is here. This time next month I will be chilling in California
and not long after that I will be back home in Chicago. I was delighted when I heard that we would be leaving Iraq almost a month earlier than expected.

It has been a roller coaster ride since the last time I wrote. The elections came and went. All the forces over here put in a lot of work to make them a success. MST 1 stopped a mortar team bent on shelling the polling place in Lusifiyah. After a month of relatively nothing happening catching those guys really made us feel great.

After the elections we were sent on a five-day mission guarding a bridge that crosses the Euphrates. Except for the low, supersonic flyby of an F14 (if you ever have a chance to be 100 feet under a sonic boom, I highly recommend it!) it was pretty boring. However, on our way home an IED did hit us. That was one of the 11 that were set off that day on our battalion. It was the worse day for IED's since we have been here with one leading to a KIA.

In general I would say the IED activity is picking up a bit. I guess some people are pissed the elections went off as well as they did. We have also seen a bit more indirect fire attacks on the base too. But don't worry; I will remain vigilant until I get on the plane out of here.

That being said, I really am looking forward to seeing all of you soon.
Thanks for all your support, I don't know how I would have made it this far without it.
This will probably be the last email from Iraq.

Until next time,

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