Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Helpful Review: The Cooler

HItz recommended The Cooler to me, and I watched it last week. Disappointed. Good acting, I guess, but the script had so many holes, I couldn't hold on.

For example, let's say you happen to work in Alec Baldwin's casino, and one day at work you and your girlfriend watch as big mean Alec whacks your son's legs with a sledge hammer and kicks his pregnant wife in the crotch. What do you think will happen if you clock back in the next day and get in a fight with him and his goons?

What if you're the girlfriend? Would you hang around the shady apartment all by yourself, maybe lay out at the pool the rest of the week? "What? The crazy psycho guy is coming for me next? I think I'll yell in his face - he would never hurt me!"

And I'm sorry, but no 70-year-old guy is just going to get away with beating the crap out of some guy in plain view at the craps table. I've seen CSI.

Finally, men and women everywhere should agree that the multiple William H Macy nude scenes easily cancel out the foxiness of Maria Bello.

Stars: 2 of 5

1 comment:

MK said...

This is the kind of good-spirited debate this blog has been missing for a while. Thanks for the analysis Hitzy.